Saturday, April 9, 2011

Life is Hard but God is Good. An Inquiry into Suffering.

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How can a good God allow evil in the world? Is there any good in suffering? Why is God so unfair?

"A book filled with practical wisdom, Adele Gonzalez gives us a theology that makes sense to those who are not satisfied with simplistic answers to life's deepest questions." --Most Rev. Ricardo Ramirez, C.S.B., Bishop, Diocese of Las Cruces.

Buy from Orbis, Amazon or your local bookstore.

Also by Adele J. Gonzalez: The Spirituality of Community 

"At last, not a touchy-feely guide to living in community but a practical, spiritual vision of community in a real world where nothing is perfect and all are welcome."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the book 'Life Is Hard but God Is Good'. Redemptive Suffering--I was troubled by Col.1:24, "what could be lacking in Christ's suffering?" A priest explained it much as you did,but I REALLY like "your version" of Redemptive Suffering.Thank you.I want to share an explanation I read years ago "What is Faith"? 1.I learn how a parachute is made; how it works. (I have knowledge). 2.A person jumps from a plane, the chute opens, the person lands. I believe it works.(I have belief)3.I strap on the chute, believe it will work for me, and jump out of the plane. (I now have Faith). When I
know and believe something is true FOR ME, I have Faith. Ms.Donnie