Saturday, March 12, 2011

Choose life!

A few days ago I read once again Deuteronomy 30:19-20,
"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants may live, loving the Lord your God..." 
Five months ago I chose life in the form of a total knee replacement. I had stopped posting because the physical pain and the process of finishing my new book did not leave me any energy to blog. Now I feel that my energy is back after a very successful surgery and the happy conclusion of my book.

Choose life! What a simple and yet profound statement. The Hebrew writer did not mean only "life" in the literal sense versus "death" in the physical way. The Hebrew word for life also means goodness; death means evil. I would say, let us choose LIGHT and do not allow ourselves to be consumed by the darkness. 

Yesterday we witnessed the destruction in Japan and the ramifications in Hawaii, California and possibly the entire Pacific coastline. What to think? How to respond to this tragedy? If we choose death we will simply add another corpse to the already long list. If we choose life, maybe, just maybe we can contribute to the collective awareness that the Christian God is also suffering this catastrophe. This gives me hope, hope that somehow all this suffering has a meaning.

In spite of all the difficulties around us, the economic and international crisis, etc. I choose to choose LIFE, LIGHT, GOODNESS...

Is there any other way to help move humanity towards the development of its full potential?