I know three kinds of people:
• Those who “watch” things happen
• Those who “don’t let” things happen
• Those who “make” things happen
In the first group are the proverbial innocent bystanders, more commonly known as those who are always “on the fence.” They seem to be alive, but they are simple spectators in the theater of life. When things go wrong, this group complains louder than any other. “Life is not fair,” they argue, but they never move an inch to make it better.
In the second category, are those who oppose everything simply because it was not their idea to begin with, or because they are afraid that if they support it they might be asked to “do” something. They appear to be working hard, but their labor usually becomes an obstacle to whatever endeavor they are opposing. Members of this group also think they are alive, but basically they are saboteurs of the process of living.
The third group represents the risk takers, the dreamers, the ones who see things as they can be and are willing to pay the price to make their dreams come true. Members of this group realize that change is the only constant in life and that without an openness to it they will become like stagnant water in the river of life.
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